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Florida Sea Grant Extension & Education Program

Florida Sea Grant Extension & Education Program

About Florida Sea Grant's Marine and Coastal Extension and Education Program

Within the Florida Sea Grant College Program, the Florida Sea Grant Extension and Education Program is a statewide marine and coastal outreach and education program focused on conserving coastal resources and enhancing economic opportunities for the people of Florida.

It is integrated into the University of Florida’s Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS), as part of the Florida Cooperative Extension Service. Extension personnel consist of county, regional or state-based Sea Grant extension agents and specialists with expertise in the areas of law, marine economics, seafood technology, coastal watersheds, coral disease, sustainable angling, harmful algal blooms, and climate change/sea level rise. The program draws on the resources of more than 30 affiliate tenure-track faculty whose research aligns with Florida Sea Grant’s mission.

We set high standards for excellence in our programs which address immediate and future coastal issues. We do this by providing timely information and tools to residents, business owners and community leaders so that they better understand how their decisions affect coastal environments and what actions they can take to become more resilient to coastal change. We help to ensure that resource management and decision-making about built and natural coastal environments are based on sound science, involve residents and businesses who have a stake in the resource, and include mechanisms to evaluate trade-offs between human and environmental needs. We help constituents incorporate social science, including quality of life and sustainable economic development, into comprehensive planning and management of built and natural coastal resources. We help constituents incorporate the latest science-based information across all of the focus areas and help water-dependent businesses operate sustainably and profitably in order to support coastal communities.

More About Florida Sea Grant Extension:


2306 Mowry Rd.

Gainesville, FL 32641




UF/IFAS educational programs satiate serpentine curiosities

Home to multiple military bases, the Pensacola region’s population ebbs and flows as military families cycle in and out. Many newcomers are unfamiliar with the area’s swampy habitats or the creepy crawlies that live there -- including 40 of Florida’s 46 native species of snakes -- but Rick O’Connor helps ease their transition. “People are fascinated Read More

Coasts & Marine

Marine Creatures of the Northern Gulf of Mexico – Copepods

So far in this series we have been discussing microscopic creatures in the northern Gulf of Mexico that are single celled – though many may be linked together in chains.  In this article we will begin discussing microscopic creatures that are multicellular.   When you do a plankton tow in the northern Gulf, and have a look under the microscope, you will notice most of the moving/swimming plankton are these bug-looking creatures Read More