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Florida Sea Grant Extension & Education Program

Florida Sea Grant Extension & Education Program

Florida Microplastic Awareness Project: Multimedia & Outreach Materials

Presentations and videos

These presentations and videos provide good background information about microplastics in the marine environment. 

Beyond the Plastic Bag This 50-minute YouTube video is the recording of a webinar given in November 2018 by Dr. Maia McGuire from the Florida Microplastic Awareness Project.

EPA has a series of webinars about microplastics (early 2017) under its Trash Free Waters program. You can find links to the webinars here

Microplastics PowerPoint Presentation (47 MB). Microplastics: What's the BIG Deal? (previously Microplastics: the sources might surprise you.) Originally given by Maia McGuire at the Florida and National Marine Science Educators' Association meetings in 2015, this presentation is updated every few months (or as new research results emerge). The presentation was last updated in February 2023. Be sure to read through the notes section for each slide--there are several links and citations contained there. To download the presentation, right click on the link and "save as..."

The Nurdles' Quest for Ocean Domination. This 5-minute Ted-Ed video is suitable for a wide range of audiences.

NOAA's Marine Debris Program website has several downloadable documents containing information about microplastics.

South Carolina Sea Grant's Summer 2014 issue of Coastal Heritage magazine is devoted to the topic of microplastics.

New York Sea Grant's fact sheet on Microbeads in the Great Lakes contains good information based on research projects in that region.

Outreach materials

What are Microplastics? Infographic (pdf or jpg)

Microplastics Fact Sheet (pdf)

Microplastics fact sheet for youth (pdf)

Microbead-free waters act factsheet (pdf)

5 Things You May Not Know About Plastic Recycling (pdf)

Bioplastics: A better option for the environment? (pdf) This fact sheet explains about the different types of bioplastics, what "compostable" means when it is used to describe plastic and ways that bioplastics may not be as different from petroleum-based plastics as you think.

Microplastic Awareness Month memes, infographics, etc.

What's in Your Deodorant? This activity can be used with youth and adults to show the variety of personal care products that can contain microplastics, as well as the need to read ingredient labels on these products. Note that some products (especially facial scrubs) have now removed plastic microbeads (as of spring, 2017). The product images here were taken in the fall of 2016.

Microplastics 3-panel display (each panel is 16" x 28") pdf file (707 KB)

Are You Plastic Aware? (Poster, 24" x 48") pdf file (3 MB)

Microplastics in Estuaries poster (Dawn Witherington) (24" x 48") pdf file (4 MB)

Printable FMAP Pledge Sheets (pdf)

The Product Stewardship Institute, with EPA funding, created this plastic reduction toolkit for colleges and universities (pdf)

Printable fliers (pdf format):

Please Don't Trash Our Ocean

Please Don't Put Plastics Down the Drain (suggested for posting in bathroom facilities)

Please Don't Trash Our Lakes

8 ways to reduce plastic waste

Two fact sheets from the Association of Plastic Recyclers might be useful:

Recycle Plastic Bottles with Caps On

Frequently Asked Questions about Plastic Film Recycling



The GTMNERR has created printable cards that can be used to ask restaurants to help reduce plastic pollution (and save money) by only serving straws on request (or providing paper straws). The back side of the card has more information and resources for the restaurant to use. You should print the "No more plastic straws" cards as a double-sided document.


for right column on 2-column page



Questions? Contact Maia McGuire, UF/IFAS Extension Sea Grant Agent by email ( or at 904-201-8416.


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Methods used for the Florida Microplastic Awareness Project are based on those developed by Abby Barrows, PI of Adventure Scientists' Worldwide Microplastics Project